HIL rose 1.12% to Rs 3,075 after the company said it has commercialized production of Birla Aerocon Flat Board at its plant at Faridabad in Haryana from Wednesday, 10 March 2021.The company said that there is no additional capacity installed. The product is manufactured on the existing lines of production. The firm said that this augments its established presence in the building solutions segment. An expanded product range together with well-targeted distribution set-up and a solutions centric approach positions the company attractively as the customers step up their engagement with the business.
On the technical front, the stock s RSI (relative strength index) stood at 60.685. The RSI oscillates between zero and 100. Traditionally, the RSI is considered overbought when above 70 and oversold when below 30.
Hil has commercialized its green and sustainable roofing solution,
Charminar Fortune, with commencement of manufacturing of the product, at its plant at Faridabad,
Charminar Fortune, a next generation, revolutionary solution, has been developed entirely by the
in-house research and development team using proprietary know-how and processes.
This is a one-of-a-kind cement based, non-asbestos, roofing product, which is destined to transform how roofing
solutions get perceived worldwide
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Kiri Industries Ltd, Hil Ltd, Vodafone Idea Ltd and Dish TV India Ltd are among the other losers in the BSE s A group today, 24 December 2020.
Kiri Industries Ltd, Hil Ltd, Vodafone Idea Ltd and Dish TV India Ltd are among the other losers in the BSE s A group today, 24 December 2020.
Lemon Tree Hotels Ltd tumbled 5.16% to Rs 39.5 at 14:48 IST.The stock was the biggest loser in the BSE s A group.On the BSE, 8.79 lakh shares were traded on the counter so far as against the average daily volumes of 16.96 lakh shares in the past one month.
Kiri Industries Ltd lost 3.84% to Rs 549. The stock was the second biggest loser in A group.On the BSE, 18534 shares were traded on the counter so far as against the average daily volumes of 24824 shares in the past one month.